Thursday, January 10, 2019

English Proficiency Essay

lecture advance or linguistic proficiency is the ability of an virtu onlyy(prenominal)(prenominal) to declaim or perform in an acquired quarrel. As theories vary among pedagogues as to what constitutes proficiency,1 at that place is little consistency as to how unalike organizations trackify it. Addition e precise(prenominal)y, suavity and diction competence atomic number 18 gener exclusivelyy recognized as existence related, precisely sepa swan moot subjects. In predominant frameworks in the unify States, proficient utterers demonstrate nearly(prenominal) the true and feel outness, and workout a variety of converse strategies.2 Thus, indwelling speakers of a style rat be fluent without creation considered proficient. -OrganizationsACTFLThe Ameri quite a little Council on the T to each wizarding of distant deliin truths (ACTFL) distinguishes in the midst of proficiency and performance. In part, ACTFLs description of proficiency is derived from ma ndates tell apartd by the US g altogether overnment, declaring that a limited side proficient rise outer is wholeness who comes from a non- go under stickerground and who has adequate roughy inter assert, get a lineing, indite, or understanding the side talking to and whose difficulties whitethorn deny untold(prenominal) an singular the opportunity to learn triumphfully in classrooms w here the delivery of instruction is side or to participate fully in our golf club. ACTFL views performance as being the feature pith of solely tether modes of parley interpretive, intersomebodyal, and face upational. - attach frameworksNote that exam wads may non correlate reliably, as distinct understandings of proficiency lead to several(predicate) types of assessment * FSI testing (Foreign Service Institute) heaps range from 0 to 5+.3 (deprecated) * Interagency lecture Roundtable stumbles range from 0 to 5.4 (evolved from FSI) * delivery technique founding power* ACTFL advancement Guidelines ACTFL recognises ten discordent takes of proficiency founder, intermediate, advanced, and superior, of whichthe eldest three be each subdivided into suffering, mid, and high. * Common europiuman Framework of Reference for Languages CEF recognises six take aims A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. progression tests* CELPE-Bras (Certificate of advance in Portuguese for Foreigners)* defense lawyers Language growth psychometric tests* DELE (Diplomas of Spanish as Foreign Language)* Examination for Japanese University entrance focussing* General incline Proficiency test* Hny Shupng Kosh ()* IELTS (International incline Language Testing System)* iTEP (International Test of slope Proficiency* Japanese Language Proficiency Test ( Nihongo Nryoku Shiken)* Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers* The atomic number 63an Language Certificates (telc lyric poem tests)* TOEFL (Test Of slope as a Foreign Language)* TOEIC (Test of side of meat for International Communication)* TEPS (Test of face Proficiency substantial by capital of South Korea National University)* Test of Russian as a Foreign Language* Test de franais reality-wide* Test de connaissance du franais* TOCFL( Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language)* UBELT (University of lavatory position Language Test)* University of Cambridge ESOL trial runination check out excessively Language tests category-editProfessional organizations* alignment franaise* Ameri green goddess Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages* Association of Language Testers in Europe* Foreign service institute* Goethe-Institut* UCLES* UNIcert* Instituto Cervantes* UBELT-References1. www.ncela.gwu.edu2. http//lauder.wharton.upenn.edu3. www.utm.edu4. incline proficiency is the the ability to speak, record and/or write in side. To be considered real proficient, maven should take a shit advanced abilities in all three beas of discourse. face Proficiency In The Philippin esI recently read that 80% of teachers failed their position proficiency exam and that some CallCenters atomic number 18 closing beca role of a wish of appli loaferts who put one over a level of face fluencydemanded by the indus filter out.I am a Native deliverer (Canadian / UK) with over 20 years experince presenting face dustup programs for the Canadian federal and churl regimens, several colleges and auniversity. After moving to thePhilippinesI go along my presentions and teaching to foreigners in ESL trains.Recently I clear-cut to change my ESL savants. why should I be teaching foreiners face whenwhat I should be doing is giving the Filipno a chance to cleanse their chances of having achallenging and rewarding c atomic number 18er?.It makes much aesthesis to me, to protagonist them to change their incline to a level of fluency that nearly companies both here in the Philippines and abroaddemand.Lets give the Filipino a chance to rectify their position in li feMy first opportunity was to present my slope fluency program to face teachers in the private school sector. 80% failed the initial testing, However, later 80% achieved a much high level of fluency afterwards comp permiting the program. The EF face Proficiency mogul (EF EPI) is a piece of music which attempts to neighborly station countries by the ordinary level of incline trainings amongst big(a)s. It is the product of EF Education First, a demes in the rawide actors line training comp each, and draws its conclusions from entropy still via online incline tests on tap(predicate) for free over the internet. The insure was published for the first clock time in March, 2011 based on the results of over 2 million test takers.1 The close recent ranking was released in October, 2012. - methodologyThe 2012 indicator is compiled from the results of 1.7 million adults who took one of three short online position tests between 2009 and 2011. The test takers were self -selected and no demographic information was placid on them. The tests atomic number 18 utilize by the company for marketing and placement purposes. 52 countries and 2 territories appear in the 2012 index. completely separate countries did non have sufficiency test takers to be considered valid. In regularise to be included a soil was required to have at least 400 test takers total.2 -FindingsThe report is unruffled of a artless ranking table, several pages of analysis with graphs correlating different economic and social f accomplishmentors with position proficiency, and regional analyses of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the mettle East and atomic number 7 Africa. The 2012 report includes data for the first time rumpvass women to men, and comparing different age groups by side of meat proficiency. The website displays portions of the report and has in-depth profiles of the contri besidesion of face in 15 countries 3 which atomic number 18 non contained in th e report. El unconstipated inelegant factsheets atomic number 18 presented one after anformer(a) from the report. These provide data on how cities and regions scored in spite of appearance the soil.Primary conclusions1. Exports per capita, Gross National Income per capita and average number of years of schooling all correlate positively with slope proficiency. That is to understand wealthier countries speak better side of meat. 2. The factor that correlates scoop to English proficiency is Internet usage. 3. Europe as a whole speaks the crush English, Latin America the worst. 4. Starting English bringing up younger in school does not necessarily ameliorate adult proficiency. -CriticismThe EF English Proficiency Index has been criticized for its lack of representative s angstromling in each coun pick up.4 The report assigns that participants in the tests are self-selected and must(prenominal) have access to the internet. This pushes the index towards the realm of an onl ine survey rather than a statistically valid evaluation. However in that location are few alter indispensable comparisons available of countries by their English skills, and those that exist are smaller in scale, as is the parapraxis with a reported British Council consume,1 or they have some other(a)(a) sampling flaws, as is the case with rankings of countries by standardized English test scores such as the TOEFL.5 The European Commission performed a dustup survey, SurveyLang, which tests a representative sample of 15 year old European students on their foreign inter guide communication skills. The first report and data slews were released for 13 European countries in June 2012 6 -References1. a b English Who speaks English?. The Economist. Retrieved on 2011-05-29. 2. EF English Proficiency Index Comparing English skills between countries EF EPI. Retrieved on 2011-05-29. 3. English slightly the conception terra firma profiles EF EPI. Retrieved o n 2011-05-29. 4. The English Blog EF English Proficiency Ranking. (2011-03-30). Retrieved on 2011-05-29. 5. TOEFL Test and Score Data Summaries. Retrieved on 2011-05-29. 6. 1. European Commission. Retrieved on 2012-09-20. Communicative Competence and English as an International LanguageLanguage is utilize for expressing our thoughts , and for verbal guessing, problem-solving, and creative writing, but it is use of salutarys and servicesd essentially for communication. What makes it difficult to grasp the manner of speaking users systems of representation for communication with others is the fact that the capability of individuals to interact with others by row is a peculiar timbre and at the same time a oecumenical valet fictional character. The successful spoken linguistic process use for communication presupposes the development of communicatory competence in the users of that language and that the use of language is constrained b y the socio-cultural norms of the society where the language is utilise.The use of English in Britain is influenced by the British socio-cultural norms which underlie individual differences. So are American English, Indian English, Nigerian English, and Singaporean English. That holds true in areas where English is used daily both as a aborigine language or as a flash language. In the use of English for external communication, however, what societys or societies socio-cultural norms should be observed? Should they be the Anglo-American norms because speakers use American or British English as the model? Or would they be the socio-cultural norms of speakers native societies, which are not conspicuous thus far inevitably ooze out? Or is in that respect what faculty be called pan- human or universal socio-cultural norm(s) overarching individual societies and cultures?In this paper, I would first review communicative competence briefly, past discuss what English as an Internatio nal Language (EIL) is, and in the end argue that communicative competence, e excessly socio-cultural competence, of EIL speakers does not necessarily expect to be that of native English speakers.English ProficiencyEnglish right away is considered as the universal language for which it is understood by al virtually all countries around the world. It is used by close tidy sum as their chip language. First, it is a way of communication in demarcation, negotiations & especially in academics. It plays an substantial role in the basal education, particularly to speaking and writing (Kumar, 2009). English proficiency must be treated as an redundant skill. In reality, a country ask to build familiarity, acquaintance and collaborate with other countries as well. It is the governments responsibility to give good quality of education to be able to work and communicate in a wider and competitive world (Alave, 2006).English proficiency pertains to the ability to speak, read and write in English. To be considered as truly proficient, you should have an advanced skill in this. We k straightaway that English is the universal language, to communicate to those sight in other countries you have to speak in English so they leave behind understand what you are saying.We all know that lately, our country, Philippines is known for being English proficient of its citizen. But, this wages is being eroded by other travel competitions with declining mastery of some college graduates. Just recently, a language test was taken by IDP Education Pty. Ltd. Philippines which showed that our country is no longer the top communicatory country in Asia. This may be so because some students nowadays do not even try to get up their English skill. LOW ENGLISH growth CAUSES AND effects TO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS The low levels of English proficiency among university students nowadays becoming a hot issue among academic thinkers. This is because the students English language skill s are not being developed during their higher education experience.Thus, reflects disallowly on the quality of higher education and its graduates. The factors low English proficiency among nigh learners are bring in to two factors internal factors such as no cocksure when using English, negative attitude towards the English language and external factor like the limited opportunities to use English outside the classroom. Most learners have lack of cartel when using English language. For example, the person that has low self-confidence may refuse to use the language in publics. Anna Freud once said I was ever so looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is there all the time. This shown that confident levels are diminish when the learners are lack of self-confidence to use this language. They are aghast(predicate) to be wrong and prejudiced more(prenominal) or less it.The guerilla reason is the negative attitudes towards the English l anguage. For information, attitude has been defined as the listing to act or to be in a state of readiness to act (Gagne, 1985). The learners just learnt English for pass the test not using it as their support language. Students in university generally find it difficult to maintain their interest in English language learning as English is not seen as important for their flying desires other than to pass their examination. A lot of negative attitudes build up from unfamiliarity with the culture of the target language (Tucker and lambert, 1973). Malay students from small towns or verdant places usually grown up in a situation that English is lilliputian language, not like their speaking homes language, Bahasa Melayu.English Proficiency for Global CompetitivenessFor some years, the Philippines was well-known as the only English-speaking country in Southeast Asia. The fluency of the English language came from the Americans who once in use(p) our coasts. In that period of time, w e stood at an advantage from our neighbor countries. We got a lot of profits because we could speak the language that most developed countries use. Filipinos had already been capable of persuading foreign investors to set in our country even before other Asiatic countries realized the indispensability to train their citizens in utilizing the English language to be able to converse with other countries and increase their economies. That is why we held a long promise of development during those times.After some years, we shifted to use our national language as the medium for instruction in school, government facilities, and everywhere with our belief that mountain would learn better and they would become more nationalistic. The advocates of the English language, then, suddenly had to give way to those who are in favor of our native language. Language, thence, became an issue.Well, it does not mean that if we use the English language, we are less nationalistic. We have been usin g Filipino in our lives for several years already and we have actually seen its effect. We could say that it had not really made a earthshaking difference in terms of the students rate of learning and development in our country. I think, it is closely time that we embrace the use of the English language once more so we could be more competitive globally.Surely we have to move back to square one as we try to regain the edge that we lost. Right penury and fitting attitude towards the acquisition of the English language allow undoubtedly help us become confident and beneficial in the language. Stop neglecting the English language, lets use it. English Proficiency in the PhilippinesIntroductionBecause English is so astray spoken, it has often been referred to as a world language, the lingua franca of the groundbreaking era, and while it is not an functionary language in most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign language.The history of the Engli sh language really started with the arrival of three Germanic tribes who invaded Britain during the 5th century AD. These tribes, the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, crossed the North Sea from what today is Denmark and northern Ger umteen. At that time the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language. But most of the Celtic speakers were pushed westbound and north by the invaders mainly into what is now Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The Angles came from England and their language was called Englisc from which the words England and English are derived.Approximately 375 million sight speak English as their first language. English today is probably the third largest language by number of native speakers, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. However, when combining native and non-native speakers it is probably the most commonly spoken language in the world, though possibly second to a combination of the Chinese languages (depending on whether or not distinctions in the latter are classified as languages or dialects). Countries such as the Philippines, Jamaica and Nigeria also have millions of native speakers of dialect continua ranging from an English-based Creole to a more standard adjustment of English.Ways to Improve English ProficiencyThis bind was created by a superior writer and edited by experience copy editors, both qualified members of the take in Media Studios community. All names go through an pillar process that includes subject matter guidelines, plagiarism review, fact-checking, and other locomote in an political campaign to provide reliable information. By Gregory Hamel, eHow contributor 1.o English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Gaining English proficiency can be an important aspect of education in many field from business to aviation to science. yet native English speakers can upbeat from increasing companionship and improving writing skills. in that location are many cordial ways to improve Englis h proficiency effectively without taking formal classes.Speak Regularlyo One of the most important aspects of gaining proficiency in any language is speaking it regularly. Self-study can improve variation and comprehension skills, but interacting with other English speakers is essential for boosting real-world comprehension and matter-of-fact use of the English language. If you live in a bilingual home, designate a certain amount of time each day for speaking only in English. Making English-speaking friends, perhaps those evoke in learning a different language that you speak, can help increase proficiency. Living in an English-speaking country will help immerse you in the language and increase all aspects of your English knowledge.Mediao Watching or listening to media in English is a way to improve English comprehension without sense of touch like you are studying. Watch touristed English movies and listen to English music. reverse watching dubbed films in favor of those with English voice and subtitles.ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVELSThe definitions of the five limited-English language proficiency levels, as well as Level 6, one of two fully-English language proficiency levels, are from PI 13.08(3)(1)-(6), Wisconsin Administrative Rule. Level 7, the other fully-English language proficiency level, is used for purposes of state reporting/state testing. Level 1Beginning/Preproduction WIDA level = EnteringA scholar shall be classified level 1 if the scholarly person does not understand or speak English with the exception of a few isolated words or expressions. Level 2Beginning/ deed WIDA level = Beginning A bookman shall be classified level 2 if all of the following criteria are met (a) The school-age child understands and speaks colloquial and academic English with hesitancy and difficulty. (b) The scholarly person understands parts of lessons and simple directions. (c) The pupil is at a pre-emergent or emergent level of reading and writing in English, importantly below signifier level.Level 3Intermediate WIDA level = DevelopingA pupil shall be classified level 3 if all of the following criteria are met(a) The pupil understands and speaks conversational and academic English with decreasing hesitancy and difficulty. (b) The pupil is post-emergent, developing reading comprehension and writing skills in English. (c) The pupils English literacy skills allow the student to demonstrate academic knowledge in content areas with assistance. Level 4 ripe(p) Intermediate WIDA level = Expanding A pupil shall be classified level 4 if all of the following criteria are met (a) The pupil understands and speaks conversational English without apparent difficulty, but understands and speaks academic English with some hesitancy. (b) The pupil continues to acquire reading and writing skills in content areas posited to achieve grade level expectations with assistance.ENGLISH PROFICIENCY HOW heaps OF A PROBLEM IS IT?For many of us, the state of education in a country speaks volumes. Where English is spoken and taught as a second language, fluency is deemed a basic requirement for proper communication and telephone extension of ideas and connotes success. Does this fluency actually translate to a countrys economic success and overall standing in the world of nations?Back when American influence on teachers was still strong in the 1950s, I recall lessons where all of us, pupils then, were required to speak English in English class or be fined five centavos per instance of speaking in Ilocano, a study dialect of northern Philippines. Five centavos then was a hefty sum. Tagalog, now Filipino, was not commonly in use at the time. Each one of us would try to catch anyone who committed the sin and report it to a classmate assigned to collect the fines who, in turn, would submit the list of offenders to the teacher. We neer asked where those collections went. Teachers were the bosses and their word was law. No one questio ned them. They stood on pedestals and we looked up to them with much respect. Teaching was a very respectable profession.Looking back, I now realize that our teachers in elementary and high school, then spoke or at least taught us proper English and with much enthusiasm. Perhaps my siblings and I had the added advantage of being raised by parents who happened to be teachers. Several of their brothers and sisters were graduates of the Philippine conventionality School. Books we used were brought in by the American teachers and ministersfrom readers, to hymnals, to almanacs. There were practically no Filipino authors that we knew of. American influence gave us a decided advantage over our Asian neighbors. The country enjoyed a privileged locating in the region as a consequence of this. Engish is the standard form of communication. Its used worldwide by nation who are from different countries but sine qua non to communicate with each other.English is also seen as the business langua ge, as for reasons mentioned above.We study it also for the reasons we study any language-we need to have a way to articulate the things we need and desire.English is also used principally on the internet-which today merges millions of people world wide.English is used in many different countries also because solidification the Colonial and Imperial Age, Britain proved to be successful at gaining colonies on different continents around the world. MUCH has been said some the importance of English in our schools and here is another(prenominal) to add to the sum total. There is a saying that if you have something the world wants, it will beat a lane to your door wherever you may be but if the world has something you want, then you have to go out to get it. As of now, what we want from the outside world is the up-to-the-minute knowledge in all fields of human endeavour. Undeniably, most of these are couched in English and to acquire them we have to be proficient in the language. H aving acquired and returned with new knowledge, the need is to disseminate it through learning institutions for the eudaimonia of the country.Teaching it to those proficient in English is straight forward. But to recipients who are monolingual in Bahasa Malaysia, translations will be required, and this can be slow and time-consuming. Depending on translations solo is hardly an efficient way to throttle up with the latest advances. Perhaps that is why our government is encouraging bilingualism English and Bahasa Malaysia in our national schools. But individual proficiency in English will differ and it may require enhancement depending on ones career leanings. If one wishes to engage in local business or to take up more mundane occupations, then perhaps learned Bahasa Malaysia alone will be adequate, but of course, a smattering of English will always help.But if one aspires to be a diplomat, a scientist or to scratch in an English university, then a greater depth in English is required. Since Bahasa Malaysia is the national language, it has to be taught in schools. It is the gum that binds our people together for national betterment. English, on the other hand is the currency for international discourse, without which we would be isolated. Hence, until such time when we are an advanced country and our national language is brought to a wider and impeccable level and our people can invent things the world will want, then the world will indeed beat a path to our shores to learn from us and in our national language. C.P.B.,Kuala Lumpur.Today, there are many people all of the world study English. Most of people think that maybe english becomes their second language. But have you ever wondered Why do we need to learn English. Why dont we inquisitory about it? First, English helps you to improve friendship and maybe include our knowledge around the world. Nowadays, many people have a wider friendship around the world. So learning English is an important way to communicate with friends from another countries. Absolutely, learning English can help you to make more friends, we can exchange with a lot of people, improve our relationships. From that, we can learn more, open our knowledge world. Every year, there are lots of teenagers go overseas to learn for themselves, to improve every important, to bring every new thing from another countries to our country. Second, English helps you to connect our country to the world or we can learn more about another countriess tradition.Learning English, we can embark every beautiful things, places, to internaional friends from another countries. Foreigners wil be curious and they will travel to our country. On the contrary, we can understand more special traditional foods, cultures, from another countries. I think its great so we need to learn English Finally, we can find jobsmore easily. Today, all companies need their wokers know at least on language, especially English. In some international compan ies, every person have to know English well. So we need to learn English in other to have a good job for you. You can see. Learning is very important way to climb on our future stepladder. I hope that people wil learn English for themselves and for their future.English is one of the legacys examples that was left by the British colonial rule in Malaysia long time ago. It is one of the most crucial foreign languages in Malaysia and even around the world nowadays, and is used widely and quite extensively in all aspects of daily life. English and the national language of Malaysia, Bahasa Malaysia, both play a very important role in change together our multicultural nation. English and Bahasa Malaysia helps to get in touch people and to create a unique national awareness. Instead of its history, Malaysia has recently showed a sharp decline in the English language proficiency.According to Murugesan (2003), the decline is for the most part due to a backwash effect from a change impleme nted in the early 1960s and 1970s when Bahasa Malaysia replaced English as the medium of instruction in schools and as the language used for official matters. On the other hand, according to downwind (2002), the drop in proficiency of English has not been due so much to the emphasis on Malay, but it is primarily the result of bad attitudes to language and measly approaches to the teaching of language. The decline of English language proficiency will lead to other side effects that will someday give out various major problems to us. Due to the decline in our country, it might be a step loath from other country around the world from the information and technology aspect and other related aspects.In this essay, I will critically response about the topic, English Language Proficiency Should Not Be Taken for Granted based on the three articles that have been chooses. The first article that I have chooses is mainly about the importance of English language proficiency. The second articl e talks about the steps that will be taken to enhance the English usage, while the third article discuss about suggestions to strengthen the students English language proficiency.

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