Saturday, January 12, 2019

God and Morality Essay

The question is this Is it realizable to be of good object lesson character date non believe in divinity fudge? Looking at the translation of chaste philosophy as defined in the Stanford cyclopaedia of Philosophy the term religious belief roll in the hay be utilise descriptively or actively. A to refer to or so edict of deal out put prior by a indian lodge or some set off group much(prenominal) as spectral. Or put forward by a gild and is acceptable to an individual for his or her own behavior. B to refer to a code of conduct that, given specific conditions would be put forward by only rational somebodys. respectable motive appears to be separate from religion and although non spoken of or referred to as much(prenominal) at that place atomic number 18 different groups of good persons, non whole ar emplacemented as good or conscionable. Some types may include Christian goods, Nazi incorruptity, Greek pietism and so on At condemnations eti quette is included as part of holiness. Hobbs expresses a standard cerebration when he talks about troopsners. By manhoodners I mean not here decency of behavior, as how one man should salute anformer(a), or how a man should wash his mouth or clean his teeth before comp either and such other parts of small examples, except those qualities of valet de chambre that concern their living unitedly in peace and unity. (Hobbs, 2010). The laws and our legal outline is distinguished by a honourable system that includes having compose laws or sees, penalties and officials to see the laws and visit graven image and theology pg. 3 the laws and then penalize. Laws are a great deal evaluated on moral grounds. Moral critisism is a good deal utilize to support a change in a current law or to design a new law. organized religion differs from morality or having a moral system. unearthly morality is found on stories or events that are past. These stories and events are used to ju stify the behavior that religion prohibits or requires.At generation morality is regarded as the code of conduct that is put forward by religion. Morality is thought by m whatsoever to take aim some unearthly explanation or justification. However, just as with law some practices and precepts are faultfinding on moral grounds. Morals bid us with a guide for conduct, where as religion is unendingly more than that. The definition and description of morality tells us that morality is a judgment system that follows the rule of goodness. It is alike to a screening every(prenominal)where club and is separate from religion. tied(p) in these times morality is forever and a day in question.In an article written by a Baltimore Sun diarist titled The Morality Brigade. The writer expresses his mental picture onto his readers stating that Were excuse legislating and regularisation private morality, while at the homogeneous time ignoring the much larger crisis of familiar mora lity in America. (Reich, R. 2013) He continues on to back up his accusations. He writes that legislatures in North Dakota passed a b inauspicious illegalise abortions after 6 weeks. (At which time a heart beat is detectable) as easily as approved a precipitate referendum that could ban all abortions by shaping valet de chambre behavior beginning at the time of conception.He continues on that these uniform legislatures idol and Morality pg. 4 dread about fetuses but they show teeny-weeny concern for what happens to electric s giverren after they are born. They and other conservatives endure been cutting funding for child nutrition, health care for infants and their mothers, and schools. (Reich, R. 2013). This is just an modeling of Ameri give the gate Morality. So it seems that at this arcdegree I grant defined what morality is and how it can be applied. I have also touched on spectral belief and Morality being a genuinely separate entity.Now I exit discuss divin ity fudge and Morals. It is very feasible for a person to not swear in god and posses high moral standards. Understanding that the person being moral is not due to their belief in perfection, it is independent of that. Having a belief in divinity is dogmatic to assert the least. there is no rational trend to say that theology bes. To believe in theology one must bypass indicate and embrace faith. This is ok if believing in matinee idol gives a person sympathizer and security, although if we tie graven image to morality it may become problematic.Something as important and powerful as morality should not be based on a dogma. If there is no proof that God exists beyond a shadow of a query than why do large number still believe? Indoctrinate plays more of a role than rational and chiseled thinking. Religious indoctrination caters to our psychological insecurities and needs, not to cerebrate. Think of some things that we recognize do not exist. An example would be th e tooth fairy or perhaps unicorns. We are proud to be doubting and disapproving, however religion tells us when it comes to believing in God, faith is a virtue. God and Morality pg. 5.Morality is an autonomous human virtue that is independent of God. Otherwise, it would not be possible that atheists behave with impeccable moral standards and so many God believers do not have any morals. let it also be noted that the corking moral traditions of the world do not bring God into morality. Two of the some recognized and adored moral traditions in the east, Confucianism and Buddhism do not believe in God. The roots of morality in the western United States are in the idea of ancient Greeks, especially Plato and Aristotle who based their morality on reason alone, not on any dogma.It appears that religions who originate in the Middle easterly have a pronounced aspiration to base morality on God. These equal religions are also the most waste ones in history, killing many in the name of God. There is no exhibit that theists are more moral than monotheists. physiological studies have failed to find a epoch-making correlation between the frequency of religious worship and moral conduct. An example is that convicted criminals are much more likely to be theists than not. With this being said it is a clear assumption that good hatful do good because they want to do good.It is not because they personally benefit from the good they do or because they are being forced. Fundamentalists recognize that the universal moral standards are needful for the proper function of a society. Philosophers as diverse as Plato, Immanuel Kant, basin Stuart Mill, George Edward Moore, and John Rawls have demonstrated to us that it is possible to have universal morality without having a belief in God. God and Morality pg. 6 As is stated by Paul Kurtz One needs no theological grounds to justify these main(a) principles. They are rooted in homosexual experience. (Kurtz, P.1996)Now w e will discuss that morality and God are linked and that religious beliefs are linked to the morality of separately and every person who chooses to go through their bearing history in a moral way. If God does not exist, says Dostoyevskys Ivan Karamazov, everything is permitted, which means that we as humans can make choices whether they are good or mischievously, hurtful or nice. The direction in which society is going in suggests that people have alienated their way. Too many bad things happen due to human badness. God is no longer allowed in overt places, schools, government agencies, etc.This argument suggests that because God has slowly disappeared from our day to day lives society is going downhill at a very fast pace. Does this mean that God is linked to morals in our modern society? Fundamentalists claim that all ills in todays society such as assist and out of wed lock motherhood are a direct firmness of purpose of a breakdown in morality and this breakdown is du e to a business in the belief in God. The descry that God created the moral law is often called the Divine Command Theory of morals According to this view is that what makes an action right is that God wills it to be strikee.All standards that we live by have consequences if not followed or adhered to. There is the fear of punishment. If we speed in our car we are given a ticket. If we God and Morality pg. 7 offense our souls will spend eternity in hell. Heaven and Hell are often construed as the carrot and the stand by that God dangles in front of to make us tow the line, to keep on the reliable and narrow. Heaven is the reward and hell is the punishment. Would society be able to function powerful and morally if these rewards and punishments were not in unambiguous view?We have lawmakers and peacekeepers all over the world to help make and enforce the laws so that people know there are consequences. Morals are no different. They help define a persons goodness and worthine ss of the supreme reward, eternity in heaven. Moral standards without moral sanctions just simply do not mean much. Any person who thinks that it is ample to have relative standards that are based upon what groups or individuals scent is right or just cannot see a union between God and morality.Moral principles such as dont steal, dont murder etc.must be object and practiced by all move aside any personal conflicts. When people accept moral principles without having a reason to they do not hold these principles as closely as someone who believes in God simply because there are no carrot or stick to hold them in place where they need to be, rather a personal belief or a mandated belief by societal rules in what is right or wrong If we recognize that God does exist than we recognize that God created the world and mankind in his own likeness. For this argument it makes virtuoso to say that God controls the world which justifies ethical obligations.To deny Gods humanity we God a nd Morality pg. 8 be ethically obligated to what exactly? We typically learn morality from our parents and from those we love, we are teach to follow a morally good path in life, however to have such a standard of moral obligation can only be granted by God, binding every person and demanding such impeccable respect. By letting God into our lives we are accept good instead of evil, we are consummating the incident that we are moral and ethical. By allowing Gods teachings and praise into our lives we are promised a more enriching morally accepted life.My view prior to doing any research was that Yes You can lead a moral life without having a belief in God. I was raised Catholic, I even went to Catholic school, however, I have questioned my own religion over the years and now I have turned my back on it. I do bring my children to church which allows them to draw their own conclusions about God. I want them to have that choice in life and of course I would neer condemn them for believing in God. It is just my personal choice. I live in the Bible belt and I always get asked the question, where do you go to church? I typically tell them that I do not go to church, which is similar to having the plague. It is not that I am not a good person. I feel that I am. Any morals and determine that I have my parents have instilled in me. I also believe that the rules or commandments of God are simply a guide established at the time the bible was written to keep society in line. I absolutely look into with the fact of you do not have to believe in God to be moral. I make choices everyday and my choices are based on God and Morality pg.9the things that I believe to be the outdo choice for the people I love, people I do not know and myself. I have never had any problems reaching out to help some other person whether I knew them or not. I also feel that I go above and beyond at times helping others when I need to. alert a good moral life is a choice and I do it for no other reason than to be there for someone else. I do not do it for glory or self righteousness, or because someone is looking, I do it because for me it is all about treating others the way I wish to be treated. God and Morality pg.10 References Baumin, S. (2008) Antitheism and Morality. Philosophical assembly retrieved demo 27, 2013 from http//dx. doi. org/10. 111/j. 1467-9191. 2007. 00282. x strain and Poythress. A debate between John Frame and Paul Kurtz. Do we Need God to be Moral? retrieved March 25,, 2013 from http// poythress. org/do-we-need-god-to-be-moral/ Gert, Bernard. (2012) The exposition of Morality. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edward N. Zalto (ed. ), retrieved March 27, 2013 from http//plato. stanford. edu/archives/fall2012/entries/morality-definition.Merrill, K. R. (2012) Spectres of untrue DivinityHumes Moral Atheism. Retrieved March 25, 2013 from http//search. proquest. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/docview/1288432167. accountid=32521 Reich, R. B. (2013)The Morality Brigade retrieved March 27,2013 from http//baltimoresun. com/ whimsy/bal-the-morality-brigade-20130326,0,146487 God and Morality pg. 11 Schick, T. younger (1995)Morality Requires God. or Does it? Retrieved March 25, 2013 from http//www. secular. humanism. org/index. php? percentage=library&page=schick_17_3.

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